Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The last 24 hours of my life in bullet form.

  • Last night was spent at an emergency vet trying to save a kitten. In the end we had to put him to sleep. We did everything we could but I am sad for that little kitten today.
  • My mothers vehicle won't start. My dad left her after 30 years. He bought a new Hummer. I have to figure out how to get this taken care of for my mom.
  • Brandon's mother was taken to the hospital today for chest pains. She lives in Montana and we live in Alabama I am sure that this is weighing very heavy on Brandon's mind and I wish there was something that I could do. But we just have to wait until they call us.
  • Our heating and air is broken AGAIN. The fourth time in 6 months. Same problem. Purchased and installed a complete 3pc. Carrier System 4.5 years ago.


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