Blogs R Us
Ever scince I stumbled on to this whole blogging thing it has intrigued me. I have always been a people watcher. The thought that we all inhabit the same planet together and are built as humans, the same, and for the most part we all go through similar if not the same events, tragities and good fortune as everyone else---but yet we are all so consumed in our own little bubbles that are 'our worlds' that we often forget this fact is amazing to me. (theres a run-on for ya) I know I take comfort in knowing that I am not the only one in the world going through life with the feelings I have, yet at the same time I feel sad for the other people out there who share my sentiment. Sometimes it can be downright depressing.
So I started a blog of my own. I have enjoyed it too, its nice to have a place to say whats on your mind and not have to explain it. But I have also found that looking at other peoples blogs can be addictive. Everyone is interesting in their own ways and the way people write on their blogs, usually quite candid, makes me laugh. I had no idea it was so popular either, there is a blog about everything and tons of blogs about nothing, like this one.
I have alot of ideas for the look of this blog, but all I know how to do on a computer is type. Damn. So for now thats what I will do, when I feel the need. Thank you to all the other bloggers for the good reading I do instead of my job. (NOTE TO BOSS: just kidding) Until next on!
So I started a blog of my own. I have enjoyed it too, its nice to have a place to say whats on your mind and not have to explain it. But I have also found that looking at other peoples blogs can be addictive. Everyone is interesting in their own ways and the way people write on their blogs, usually quite candid, makes me laugh. I had no idea it was so popular either, there is a blog about everything and tons of blogs about nothing, like this one.
I have alot of ideas for the look of this blog, but all I know how to do on a computer is type. Damn. So for now thats what I will do, when I feel the need. Thank you to all the other bloggers for the good reading I do instead of my job. (NOTE TO BOSS: just kidding) Until next on!
I am literally amazed at how similar our views are on some things. Your blog on children intrigues me. I had a pact with my best friend years ago that we would never have children. That was back when I was twenty years old. My Father and step-mother paid for my then husband to have a vasectomy as a wedding present. Then we divorced and I met my current husband, and let me tell you, everything changed. I have always been raised with cats, currently I have five, and they are my children also. I started out saying that I was too selfish, wanted to live my own life, would be a bad parent because of it, I was always going to be a child myself anyway (and I still am!) Then, when the "maternal instinct" started to hit me in my late, late 20's early 30's, It was exactly then that the 911 terrorist attack happened and it threw me into a tailspin of fear and worry about how humans were so awful and how can we survive, etc. I still ocassionally fight with the heart-renching fear and worry of what the world will be like for my daughter. But as they say (who are they, anyway?), love conquers all. Lexie is the most precious gift God could have ever blessed me with and I can't imagine life without her. Things have changed so much since I was growing up, but somehow wonderful things still take place. Fear is the cruelest and most dangerous evil that exists, and when it prevents anyone from sharing the love and friendship motherhood provides, it is treacherous. I am truly glad for you that you are able to experience a piece of this with your nephew. Thanks again for your posts.
Posted by
Rachel Keller |
7:34 AM